- 6
- 조회 수 277
youtube-dl 라는 프로그램이 결국 타격을 맞았네요.
깃허브 페이지도 닫히고
Repository unavailable due to DMCA takedown.
This repository is currently disabled due to a DMCA takedown notice. We have disabled public access to the repository. The notice has been publicly posted.
If you are the repository owner, and you believe that your repository was disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification, you have the right to file a counter notice and have the repository reinstated. Our help articles provide more details on our DMCA takedown policy and how to file a counter notice. If you have any questions about the process or the risks in filing a counter notice, we suggest that you consult with a lawyer.
사용하기 편했는데 이제 더이상 업데이트는 없겠네요.
댓글 6
트위치도 DMCA 관련해서 말이 많던데 이런것들도 타격이 심하군여 ㄷ_ㄷ
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2020.10.26. 14:43
![title : 투명 아이콘 title: 투명 아이콘](https://sfuhost.com/./files/iconshop/7e7f43e6b77cd3fd00de36e5b9b3e643.gif)
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이제 여기저기 막 다 관리들어가나보네요.. 다른것도 이미 타격을 먹었던데..
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2020.10.26. 17:45
![title : 도밥위키! title: 도밥위키!](https://sfuhost.com/./files/iconshop/a87b8223f6a85a560e5ac3d55a356358.jpg)
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으아아 Youtube-dl 게임에서 정말 잘 쓰고있었는데.. 이제는 더이상은 없나봅니다 ㅠㅠ
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2020.10.26. 18:49
![title : 투명 아이콘 title: 투명 아이콘](https://sfuhost.com/./files/iconshop/7e7f43e6b77cd3fd00de36e5b9b3e643.gif)
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게임은 모르겠고 영상 받을때 사용중인데 백업사이트도 생겼다고하는데 한번 찾아봐야겠네요.
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2020.10.26. 23:55
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유튭 정책이 확확 바껴서 여기저기 피해 사례가 생기고 있네요.
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2020.10.27. 18:02
![title : 투명 아이콘 title: 투명 아이콘](https://sfuhost.com/./files/iconshop/7e7f43e6b77cd3fd00de36e5b9b3e643.gif)
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구글은 너무 정책이 자주 변경되서 그게문제예요..
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2020.10.28. 23:59
권한이 없습니다.