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To create a new full backup, perform the following steps:

  1. Select a storage option from the Backup Destination menu:
    • Home Directory — Select this option to save the backup file on the server.
    • Remote FTP Server — Select this option to use FTP to store the backup file on a remote server.
    • Remote FTP Server (Passive Mode Transfer) — Select this option to use passive FTP to store the backup file on a remote server.
    • SCP — Select this option to use secure copy protocol (SCP) to store the backup file on a remote server.
  2. Select a notification option:
    • To receive a notification when the backup finishes, enter your email address in the available text box.
    • If you do not wish to receive a notification, select Do not send email notification of backup completion.
  3. If you selected Remote FTP Server, Remote FTP Server (Passive Mode Transfer), or SCP from the Backup Destination menu, enter the remote destination's information in the available text boxes.
  4. Click Generate Backup.

위 설명은 cPanel 공식문서에서 퍼왔습니다.

출처: https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/74Docs/Backup+for+cPanel

참고로 포함되는 파일과 제외되는 파일은 다음과 같습니다.

  • All of the files that you own.
  • Files that you do not own but can access.

Backup files do not include files from your /home directory that you do not own and cannot access.

cPanel을 사용가능하면 사이트 백업 및 이전 등 작업이 편하긴 하네요 ^^

그럼 즐거운 주말 되세요!

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